Trust, integrity and honesty

Hazel Rockingham

NLP Coach & Therapist

Working with me will be life changing and transformational for you in all areas of your life

What is NLP?

Hazel Rockingham qualified NLP Coach

NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming) in its simplest form is a framework of models and techniques used to help re-programme and reframe old running programmes of unhelpful thoughts, feelings and behaviours that we have often had since childhood.

I trained in and used this discipline, as it helped me understand my own programming and make the necessary changes when I felt stuck at various stages in my life.

It was so transformational for me, I wanted to know more, and once I did, the desire to help others understand themselves and make these changes was why I set up Hazel Rockingham NLP Coaching.

About me

I'm a qualified NLP Coach, NLP Practitioner and provide Coaching, Mentoring, Business Coaching, Executive Coaching across Teesside and the North East.

I graduated in 2003 with a BA Hons in Marketing and spent the next 20 plus years working in Marketing Management roles across a variety of industries. In 2015 I started working for a Business Coach where I had my own coach as part of my own professional development. This is where I was introduced to NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming).

This was transformational for me, when I realised that many of the old programs of thinking, that I was running through self-limiting beliefs, could be changed and reprogrammed using a range of different techniques. Now I had a hunger to learn more, to see how I could help others also make the required changes they need in life if they are feeling stuck.

Why choose me?

All of my coaching and therapy work is driven by my personal and professional core values which are:


Everything we discuss is 100% confidential.


I won’t just tell you want you want to hear. Change work is hard even when it’s welcomed by the recipient. Understanding your baseline is essential for us to progress.


If we aren’t making progress in this coaching/therapy journey, I will tell you so. We both need to be accountable for this change work to be effective.


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