
I was wanting to build on my confidence in public speaking and Hazel had a perfect workshop that delivered everything I was looking for. Hazel was lovely to work with and throughout the workshop made me feel comfortable. Hazel was able to get to the root of the issue and from this was able to help me to build on techniques to build my confidence. Since this workshop I have delivered training, public speaking and I have felt so much more confidence. Hazel gave me the tools I needed and overall, the confidence to be able to help change my mindset and in turn increase my confidence. I will look to use Hazel's workshops in other areas. 

Danielle Pearson

Nicholas Postgate Catholic Trust

I had always struggled with public speaking and would get extremely anxious and nervous before any presentation. I knew this was holding me back in my career, so I decided to work with Hazel Rockingham, an NLP Practitioner, to help me overcome my stage fright.

Hazel was incredibly helpful and supportive throughout the process. She took the time to listen to my concerns and understand what specifically was making me anxious about public speaking. She then worked with me to identify and challenge my negative thought patterns and beliefs using NLP techniques.

One of the most helpful things Hazel taught me was visualisation techniques to help me stay calm and focused before and during presentations. By imagining myself delivering a successful presentation with confidence and ease, I was able to reframe my beliefs and approach public speaking with more confidence.

Finally, Hazel helped me practice my presentation skills in a safe and supportive environment. She gave me constructive feedback and encouraged me to focus on my strengths which helped me build up my confidence over time.

Thanks to Hazels guidance and support, I was able to overcome my stage fright and become a more effective communicator. I highly recommend working with Hazel if you’re struggling with public speaking or any other personal development goals.

Ricky Nelson, MD

Safety Inspectors UK Ltd

Public speaking is something I’ve never had to do in previous jobs. It was never taught when I was at school.

Then I found myself in a role where public speaking/presentation were unavoidable. I knew I had to just get on with it, face the fear and do it anyway, as they say.

I sought help from Hazel Rockingham and I’m so glad I did. Hazel is very professional, down to earth, and understanding. She has helped me enormously. I did my first ever presentation last week. This is something I thought I’d never be able to achieve.

I’d highly recommend Hazel Rockingham and her NLP Coaching to anyone.

Thanks so much Hazel.

Nicola McBean, CEO

Autism Parents Together (Tees Valley)

Hazel has been fantastic to work alongside while she has delivered the resilience workshops at Ingleby Manor School. Pupils have been fortunate to have an amazing opportunity that currently is overlooked in schools to develop their resilience. The students have looked at topics ranging from hot/cold buttons to the Mercedes triangle to practising anchoring techniques. This has been fantastic to observe pupils learn skills that they would not normally in school and is something I believe will have an impact on students’ behaviour and allow them to make a conscious decision before an action rather than just reacting to a situation in the future.

Thank you Hazel, for all of your hard work over the past 12 weeks!”.

Matt Thomas

Head of Physical Education, Ingleby Manor School

Following attending a two-day workshop delivered by Hazel , I can highly recommend her. Hazel’s skills enabled me to have a different insight to how I, as an individual operate and also how to recognise certain traits in my staff. This has enabled me to manage the team I lead, much more effectively.

 If you get a chance to work with Hazel, you will find it truly valuable.

Linda Cronin, Commercial Director

Knapton Insurance

I attended a 2 day workshop with Hazel on how to “Build a better business” and it was a fantastic workshop! I learnt how to gain confidence in myself and put myself first within business, to focus on what is important. This has allowed me to priorities tasks and be more confident in my own ability. If you are able to attend a workshop led by Hazel it will be knowledgeable and you will gain a greater insight into how you work!

Rebecca Shreeve

Croxdale Car & Van Rental

I really enjoyed the workshop. At first, I was slightly apprehensive and didn’t believe I would gain much from it. However, I was surprised by how much I learnt about myself. I gained a real insight into how I operate as an individual and how I should prioritise myself more. I even went home and spoke to my partner about what I learnt, and it was interesting how much he agreed with. Hazel you are fantastic, you made me question myself but also realise that some things I took as a negative were actually positive behaviour traits. I’d love to attend another workshop with you in the future.

Carmel Vickers-Wall

Mango Dental

A wonderful day of personal and professional development! Hazel delivered a fantastic session helping me understand my learning style and that of the people around me, resulting in me being able to manage my team much more effectively. I left feeling empowered and enlightened with manageable actions that are certain

improve my wellbeing.

Mark Wilson DipPFS

Hauxwell Wealth Management Limited

I attended Hazel's self-awareness and positive mindset course. I have done self - awareness and self help work previously so I was looking forward to this course. I would recommend it to anyone. Not only did it refresh what I already knew but I learnt a lot of new stuff as well. Hazel provided a safe space for people to share openly without feeling judged or 'silly.' I came away from this feeling very positive and confident about the future. Thank you Hazel for reminding me that I have the power to change my life 🙂

Chloe Ritchie

Mango Dental Technologies

I am a professional business woman who entered into a new relationship that ended up that was one with a coercive controller. I never saw the signs as I had never experienced this before. I reached out to Hazel as she has a great reputation. She was amazing, our sessions left me feeling empowered, strong, decisive, and more confident than ever. I ended my relationship with my abusive partner and Hazel helped give me the strength to feel confident about being a mature single. I am far happier now on my own than I was with my ex partner.

She is fantastic- she changed my life, in a brilliant way.

A Therapy client from 2023

I have tried many different methods to assist with some issues I have with anxiety and overthinking but after attending Hazel’s positive mindset and self awareness course on the 3rd October I came away with

a much better plan to improve my mental wellbeing. It was a great group of people who are very similar to me so it was good for me to hear how others keep themselves in a positive mindset. Don’t get me wrong, there

were times in the session where it was really uncomfortable to dig so deep but by the end of it I felt great. I would

recommend this course to everyone who just needs that bit of direction to being more positive about themselves.  Hazel was great and made sure that everyone was involved yet made me feel so comfortable.

Thank you Hazel for giving me some direction!.

David Davison

Croxdale Car and Van Rental

I was put in touch with Hazel through my place of work after struggling to deal with confidence and generally

overthinking things.  Talking to Hazel enabled me to change my mindset and view things from a difference perspective helping me to identify my strengths and weaknesses which helped improve

my confidence in my own ability. I highly recommend Hazel for anyone

looking for a positive change in their lives.

P Gibson

DTA Consulting Engineers

I really enjoyed the workshop, I didn't know what to expect walking into it, but it did

help my mindset, especially after I said I feel like people see me as 'just the apprentice'. This has made me consider

the way clients see me and my value to the business is a lot more than I first thought.

I feel like because I was younger and at the very beginning of my career,

it was quite hard to relate to others because most were business owners/entrepreneurs. I found this hard

because they had more experience and a different mindset altogether.

Libby Bullock

Forrest Digital

Thank you so much for last week, I feel like I came away with a lot.

 I loved working 1 on 1 with you, you made me feel so comfortable to open up and discuss some personal things from the get-go. The structure and flow of the day worked well for me, and you

gave me time to think about each section afterwards. You helped me to really analyse and understand the way that I think, and the way that I respond. You consistently supported me to challenge my negative self-belief, and you truly changed my perception on the impact of having a positive mindset. I came away

with clear goals that I genuinely believed in and have implemented into my week already.

Thank you for an amazing session, I would recommend it to everyone..

Chloe Taylor

Just Williams

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