The importance of self-awareness - Hazel Rockingham NLP Coach

The importance of self-awareness


The importance of self-awareness

How many of us take the time to learn how and why we react or feel the way we do, to the things that may happen in our daily lives?

Whether it’s a reaction to a spouse, our children a friend or a colleague at work. We can sometimes have unhelpful programmes running from past experiences, that can cause a ripple effect for us today and in our future.

To understand ourselves is essential if we want a peaceful, happy life. We stop being people pleasers. We stop reacting unnecessarily. We take the time to understand if/how and why we want to react or not react. We let the things in life pass us by that don’t serve us well. We let go of the people, who are not bringing any positivity in our lives.

In short, we get to choose. Most of the things in our lives we have chosen. Its about being accountable. What have you chosen that was maybe right for you then, but is no longer serving you now.

Making changes can be uncomfortable but is essential for continuous personal growth. You aren’t the person today you were yesterday.
If you need help with any changes in your personal of professional life please get in touch.

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